Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First Post Op visit today....

Today (May 13) was my first venture out of the house.   I had to go for my post op visit with Dr. Providence.  He was very pleased with my progress and I was proud of myself.   John let me out in front of the hospital and I walked with a cane all the way in.  A nurse offered me a wheelchair and I declined.  

I took a pic of Dr. Providence holding a model of my knee and it is on my phone and I'm gonna try and transfer it to here later.  He said I was doing everything right and to keep on keeping on.  I'll see him in another month.

I feel very hopeful today.  The pain is minimal and all I really need to do now is build up my strength in both of my legs.  The way my balance will get better is to build the muscles back.  So, I gotta walk even more.

Jeff is in San Francisco speaking at a Maritime Convention.  I'm so proud of him and his accomplishments.  How could I have gotten so lucky with TWO children...Jenny just finished the run of her play and it was a whopping success and she is building a great reputation for herself in the theater world while all the time holding down a great job at UCLA.  It is mind boggling sometimes when she tells me how busy she is.  She will have 6 balls in the air at the same time, and balancing them all beautifully.  I don't know how she does it, but it surely swells my heart when I see how successful she is.

Jeez, oh man, I think she and Dave have been together about 3 years now.  He is a great young man and a very talented playwrite.   I am happy that he and Jenny are together and they do seem to love each other.    How lucky can one mama be!!!

Tonight is the season finale of LOST so I'm looking forward to that.  There for a while I just lost interest in watching tv at all.  But life is coming back to normal and I'm getting back into my normal "reality" routine with tv.   I still can't stand long enough to do anything really cook dinner.....but John is doing a great job of taking care of both of us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you are healing. I think of you often. I love you.
