Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Mlou

My only living sister has a birthday tomorrow. She will be 74 years old. My family had surely dwendled through the years...but I guess that is what happens as we get older. Time marches on and a new generation takes over!!

Today I'm feeling pretty good. I just got back from Target and a lot of walking. My knees are doing great and I am more thankful every day that I had them both done when I did. I feel like I have a new lease on life in many ways. John has been in the Ukraine for the past week and he will come home tomorrow, and then Saturday Jeff will be here for 2 weeks. So I am a happy camper.

Jeff is a vegetarian so I am going to cook lots of meatless meals while he is here. I will have to toss in some meat for John but personally, I kinda like most things without the mean. I don't think I could ever go 100% vegetarian though. First Jeff was a vegan. That was when he was in high school. Then he switched to vegetarian. I have no idea where he got that from, but he is faithful to it. I love me a good old hot dog sometimes though and I could never live the rest of my life without a reuben now and then.

The more I write on this blog, the more I realize that I don't have a lot to say. I remember asking my mom to keep a diary for me and she made an honest effort to do that but most days there just wasn't much to write about and that is how I feel now. I don't feel strongly enough about any issue to make a point of it and for the most life is pretty dull..but dull is good. It just isn't very interesting to read about.

So, I expect to be really busy and happily doing stuff with Jeff for the next 2 weeks.

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